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2019-12-06 22:45:29 +01:00
package day05.opcode
trait OpCode
/** length of an instruction */
val length: Int
/** Parse int to full OpCode */
def parseInt(code: Int): (Int, Int, Int, OpCode) = // Dunno how to make this static lmao
val opCodeInt: Int = code % 100 // Instruction Code
val modeStr = code.toString.substring(0, {if (code.toString.length > 1) code.toString.length - 2 else 0})
val modes = "000".substring(modeStr.length) + modeStr
(modes(0).asDigit, modes(1).asDigit, modes(2).asDigit, opCodeInt) match
case (a, b, c, 1) => (a, b, c, OpCode1)
case (a, b, c, 2) => (a, b, c, OpCode2)
case (a, b, c, 3) => (a, b, c, OpCode3)
case (a, b, c, 4) => (a, b, c, OpCode4)
case (a, b, c, 5) => (a, b, c, OpCode5)
case (a, b, c, 6) => (a, b, c, OpCode6)
case (a, b, c, 7) => (a, b, c, OpCode7)
case (a, b, c, 8) => (a, b, c, OpCode8)
case (_, _, _, 99) => (0, 0, 0, OpCode99)
case c => throw new Exception("Wrong instruction code " + c)
/** Returns correct value, immediate or positional */
protected[this] def accessor(param: Int, mode: Int, tape: Array[Int]): Int =
mode match
case 0 => /* println("Reading "+tape(param)+" from array("+param+")");*/ tape(param)
case 1 => /*println("Reading "+param+" immediate");*/ param
case p => throw new Exception("HCF: wrong accessor parameter " + p)
/** Writes to the tape in a manner specified by the mode */
protected[this] def writer(param: Int, mode: Int, tape: Array[Int], value: Int): Unit =
mode match
case 0 => tape(param) = value//; println("Writing "+value+" to array("+param+")")
case 1 => throw new Exception("HCF: unimplemented writer parameter 1")
case p => throw new Exception("HCF: wrong writer parameter " + p)