haskell: 2023 10 refactor

This commit is contained in:
Maciej Jur 2023-12-12 22:46:08 +01:00
parent 5d753d5fbd
commit b97721fa17
Signed by: kamov
2 changed files with 94 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Day10 where
module Day10 (parse, solveA, solveB) where
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes, fromJust)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, bimap)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad (join, (<=<))
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec, errorBundlePretty, runParser, many, eof, satisfy)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (newline)
import Misc (withCoords, pairs)
@ -55,8 +56,10 @@ parse = first errorBundlePretty . runParser grid ""
findStart :: [[Pipe]] -> (Row, Col)
findStart = fst . head . filter ((S ==) . snd) . withCoords
get :: (Row, Col) -> [[Pipe]] -> Pipe
get (r, c) = snd . head . filter ((c ==) . fst) . zip [0..] . snd . head . filter ((r ==) . fst) . zip [0..]
get :: (Row, Col) -> [[Pipe]] -> Maybe Pipe
get (r, c) = nth c <=< nth r
nth n = fmap snd . find ((n ==) . fst) . zip [0..]
nextD :: Dir -> Pipe -> Maybe Dir
nextD dir pipe = case (pipe, dir) of
@ -88,20 +91,20 @@ starts = do
return (head ds, head $ tail ds)
check :: Dir -> (Row, Col) -> [[Pipe]] -> Maybe Move
check dir rc = fmap (const (dir, rc)) . nextD dir . get rc
check dir rc = fmap (const (dir, rc)) . nextD dir <=< get rc
checkDirs :: (Row, Col) -> [[Pipe]] -> [Move]
checkDirs sp = do
u <- check DirU $ nextC sp DirU
d <- check DirD $ nextC sp DirD
l <- check DirL $ nextC sp DirL
r <- check DirR $ nextC sp DirR
return $ catMaybes [u, d, l, r]
u <- check DirU $ nextC sp DirU
d <- check DirD $ nextC sp DirD
return $ catMaybes [l, r, u, d]
go :: [[Pipe]] -> (Dir, (Row, Col)) -> [(Dir, (Row, Col))]
go grid = helper
helper :: (Dir, (Row, Col)) -> [(Dir, (Row, Col))]
helper (dir, rc) = (dir, rc) : case nextD dir $ get rc grid of
helper (dir, rc) = (dir, rc) : case nextD dir . fromJust . get rc $ grid of
Just dir' -> helper (dir', nextC rc dir')
Nothing -> []
@ -121,8 +124,8 @@ verts grid = (findStart grid, findVerts grid)
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoelace_formula
-- A = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) + (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) + ...) / 2
trapezoid :: ((Row, Col), [(Row, Col)]) -> Double
trapezoid (sp, vs) = (/2) . fromIntegral . sum . map inner . pairs $ [sp] <> vs <> [sp]
shoelace :: ((Row, Col), [(Row, Col)]) -> Double
shoelace (sp, vs) = (/2) . fromIntegral . abs . sum . map inner . pairs $ [sp] <> vs <> [sp]
inner :: ((Row, Col), (Row, Col)) -> Int
inner ((r1, c1), (r2, c2)) = r1 * c2 - r2 * c1
@ -130,8 +133,8 @@ trapezoid (sp, vs) = (/2) . fromIntegral . sum . map inner . pairs $ [sp] <> vs
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pick%27s_theorem
-- A = i + b/2 - 1
-- i = A - b/2 + 1
interior :: ((Row, Col), [(Row, Col)]) -> Int -> Double
interior vs path = abs $ trapezoid vs - fromIntegral path + 1
solveB :: [[Pipe]] -> Double
solveB grid = interior (verts grid) (solveA grid)
solveB = do
vs <- verts
hb <- solveA
return $ shoelace vs - fromIntegral hb + 1

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import qualified Day06
import qualified Day07
import qualified Day08
import qualified Day09
import qualified Day10
day01 :: Test
@ -210,17 +211,82 @@ day09 =
\1 3 6 10 15 21\n\
\10 13 16 21 30 45\n"
day10 :: Test
day10 =
let parsedA = Day10.parse inputA
parsedB1 = Day10.parse inputB1
parsedB2 = Day10.parse inputB2
parsedB3 = Day10.parse inputB3
parsedB4 = Day10.parse inputB4
in TestList
[ TestCase $ assertEqual "A" (Right 4) (Day10.solveA <$> parsedA)
, TestCase $ assertEqual "B" (Right 4) (Day10.solveB <$> parsedB1)
, TestCase $ assertEqual "B" (Right 4) (Day10.solveB <$> parsedB2)
, TestCase $ assertEqual "B" (Right 8) (Day10.solveB <$> parsedB3)
, TestCase $ assertEqual "B" (Right 10) (Day10.solveB <$> parsedB4)
inputA =
inputB1 =
inputB2 =
inputB3 =
inputB4 =
tests :: Test
tests = TestList
[ TestLabel "day01" day01
, TestLabel "day02" day02
, TestLabel "day03" day03
, TestLabel "day04" day04
, TestLabel "day05" day05
, TestLabel "day06" day06
, TestLabel "day07" day07
, TestLabel "day08" day08
, TestLabel "day09" day09
[ TestLabel "01" day01
, TestLabel "02" day02
, TestLabel "03" day03
, TestLabel "04" day04
, TestLabel "05" day05
, TestLabel "06" day06
, TestLabel "07" day07
, TestLabel "08" day08
, TestLabel "09" day09
, TestLabel "10" day10
main :: IO ()