def parse_data() -> list[list[bool]]: input_data = [] with open("input.txt") as file: for line in file: input_data.append([True if x == '#' else False for x in line.rstrip()]) return input_data class Space: def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, height: int): list[list[list[bool]]] = [] self.row = row self.col = col self.height = height self._offset_row = 0 self._offset_col = 0 self._offset_h = 0 for h in range(self.height): level_l = [] for row in range(self.row): row_l = [] for col in range(self.col): row_l.append(False) level_l.append(row_l) # Loads data with a given offset def load_data(self, data: list[list[bool]], offset_row: int, offset_col: int, offset_h: int) -> None: self._offset_row = offset_row self._offset_col = offset_col self._offset_h = offset_h for row in range(self._offset_row, len(data) + self._offset_row): for col in range(self._offset_col, len(data[0]) + self._offset_col):[self._offset_h][row][col] = data[row-self._offset_row][col-self._offset_col] # Get activation value from absolute x,y,z, False if outside bounds def get(self, row: int, col: int, h: int) -> bool: if 0 <= h < self.height and 0 <= row < self.row and 0 <= col < self.col: return[h][row][col] return False # Set activation value for absolute x,y,z, crash if outside bounds def set(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, value: bool) -> None:[h][row][col] = value # Get activation value from offset x,y,z, False if outside bounds def get_o(self, row: int, col: int, h: int): return self.get(row+self._offset_row, col+self._offset_col, h+self._offset_h) # Set activation value for offset x,y,z, crash if outside bounds def set_o(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, value: bool) -> None: self.set(row+self._offset_row, col+self._offset_col, h+self._offset_h, value) # Counts activated neighbours for a given absolute position def count_neighbours(self, row: int, col: int, h: int) -> int: checked = [(-1,-1,-1),(-1,-1,0),(-1,-1,1),(-1,0,-1),(-1,0,0),(-1,0,1),(-1,1,-1),(-1,1,0),(-1,1,1),(0,-1,-1),(0,-1,0),(0,-1,1),(0,0,-1),(0,0,1),(0,1,-1),(0,1,0),(0,1,1),(1,-1,-1),(1,-1,0),(1,-1,1),(1,0,-1),(1,0,0),(1,0,1),(1,1,-1),(1,1,0),(1,1,1)] count = 0 for col_o, row_o, h_o in checked: if self.get(row=row+row_o, col=col+col_o, h=h+h_o): count += 1 return count # Counts activated neighbours for a given offset position def count_neighbours_o(self, row: int, col: int, h: int) -> int: return self.count_neighbours(row+self._offset_row, col+self._offset_col, h+self._offset_h) # Get the next state of the space def next(self) -> 'Space': next_space: Space = Space(self.col, self.row, self.row) for h in range(self.height): for r in range(self.row): for c in range(self.col): active_ns = self.count_neighbours(r, c, h) active = self.get(r, c, h) if active: next_space.set(r, c, h, active_ns in [2, 3]) else: next_space.set(r, c, h, active_ns == 3) return next_space # Count all activated values def count_activated(self) -> int: counted = 0 for level in for column in level: counted += sum(column) return counted # Print at level def print_level(self, level: int): level_grid =[level] for row in level_grid: print(''.join(['#' if x else '.' for x in row])) class Space4D: def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, height: int, w_dim: int): list[list[list[list[bool]]]] = [] self.row = row self.col = col self.height = height self.w_dim = w_dim self._offset_row = 0 self._offset_col = 0 self._offset_h = 0 self._offset_w = 0 for h in range(self.height): level_l = [] for row in range(self.row): row_l = [] for col in range(self.col): w_dim_l = [] for w in range(self.w_dim): w_dim_l.append(False) row_l.append(w_dim_l) level_l.append(row_l) # Loads data with a given offset def load_data(self, data: list[list[bool]], offset_row: int, offset_col: int, offset_h: int, offset_w: int) -> None: self._offset_row = offset_row self._offset_col = offset_col self._offset_h = offset_h self._offset_w = offset_w for row in range(self._offset_row, len(data) + self._offset_row): for col in range(self._offset_col, len(data[0]) + self._offset_col):[self._offset_h][row][col][self._offset_w] = data[row-self._offset_row][col-self._offset_col] # Get activation value from absolute x,y,z, False if outside bounds def get(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, w_dim: int) -> bool: if 0 <= h < self.height and 0 <= row < self.row and 0 <= col < self.col and 0 <= w_dim < self.w_dim: return[h][row][col][w_dim] return False # Set activation value for absolute x,y,z, crash if outside bounds def set(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, w_dim: int, value: bool) -> None:[h][row][col][w_dim] = value # Get activation value from offset x,y,z, False if outside bounds def get_o(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, w_dim: int): return self.get(row+self._offset_row, col+self._offset_col, h+self._offset_h, w_dim+self._offset_w) # Set activation value for offset x,y,z, crash if outside bounds def set_o(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, w_dim: int, value: bool) -> None: self.set(row+self._offset_row, col+self._offset_col, h+self._offset_h, w_dim+self._offset_w, value) # Counts activated neighbours for a given absolute position def count_neighbours(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, w_dim: int) -> int: checked = [(-1,-1,-1,-1),(-1,-1,-1,0),(-1,-1,-1,1),(-1,-1,0,-1),(-1,-1,0,0),(-1,-1,0,1),(-1,-1,1,-1), (-1,-1,1,0),(-1,-1,1,1),(-1,0,-1,-1),(-1,0,-1,0),(-1,0,-1,1),(-1,0,0,-1),(-1,0,0,0), (-1,0,0,1),(-1,0,1,-1),(-1,0,1,0),(-1,0,1,1),(-1,1,-1,-1),(-1,1,-1,0),(-1,1,-1,1),(-1,1,0,-1), (-1,1,0,0),(-1,1,0,1),(-1,1,1,-1),(-1,1,1,0),(-1,1,1,1),(0,-1,-1,-1),(0,-1,-1,0),(0,-1,-1,1), (0,-1,0,-1),(0,-1,0,0),(0,-1,0,1),(0,-1,1,-1),(0,-1,1,0),(0,-1,1,1),(0,0,-1,-1),(0,0,-1,0), (0,0,-1,1),(0,0,0,-1),(0,0,0,1),(0,0,1,-1),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,1,1),(0,1,-1,-1),(0,1,-1,0), (0,1,-1,1),(0,1,0,-1),(0,1,0,0),(0,1,0,1),(0,1,1,-1),(0,1,1,0),(0,1,1,1),(1,-1,-1,-1), (1,-1,-1,0),(1,-1,-1,1),(1,-1,0,-1),(1,-1,0,0),(1,-1,0,1),(1,-1,1,-1),(1,-1,1,0),(1,-1,1,1), (1,0,-1,-1),(1,0,-1,0),(1,0,-1,1),(1,0,0,-1),(1,0,0,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,1,-1),(1,0,1,0),(1,0,1,1), (1,1,-1,-1),(1,1,-1,0),(1,1,-1,1),(1,1,0,-1),(1,1,0,0),(1,1,0,1),(1,1,1,-1),(1,1,1,0),(1,1,1,1)] count = 0 for col_o, row_o, h_o, w_o in checked: if self.get(row=row+row_o, col=col+col_o, h=h+h_o, w_dim=w_dim+w_o): count += 1 return count # Counts activated neighbours for a given offset position def count_neighbours_o(self, row: int, col: int, h: int, w_dim: int) -> int: return self.count_neighbours(row+self._offset_row, col+self._offset_col, h+self._offset_h, w_dim+self._offset_w) # Get the next state of the space def next(self) -> 'Space4D': next_space: Space4D = Space4D(self.col, self.row, self.row, self.w_dim) for h in range(self.height): for r in range(self.row): for c in range(self.col): for w in range(self.w_dim): active_ns = self.count_neighbours(r, c, h, w) active = self.get(r, c, h, w) if active: next_space.set(r, c, h, w, active_ns in [2, 3]) else: next_space.set(r, c, h, w, active_ns == 3) return next_space # Count all activated values def count_activated(self) -> int: counted = 0 for level in for column in level: for w_dim in column: counted += sum(w_dim) return counted # Print at level def print_level(self, level: int, w_level: int): level_grid =[level] for row in level_grid: print(''.join(['#' if x[w_level] else '.' for x in row])) def solve_p1(data: list[list[bool]]) -> int: def generate_space(_data: list[list[bool]], max_turns: int) -> Space: size_row = len(data[0]) + (max_turns * 2) size_col = len(data) + (max_turns * 2) _space: Space = Space(row=size_row, col=size_col, height=(max_turns * 2) + 1) _space.load_data(data=data, offset_col=max_turns, offset_row=max_turns, offset_h=max_turns) return _space turns = 6 space: Space = generate_space(data, max_turns=turns) for i in range(turns): space = return space.count_activated() def solve_p2(data: list[list[bool]]) -> int: def generate_space_4d(_data: list[list[bool]], max_turns: int) -> Space4D: size_row = len(data[0]) + (max_turns * 2) size_col = len(data) + (max_turns * 2) _space: Space4D = Space4D(row=size_row, col=size_col, height=(max_turns * 2) + 1, w_dim=(max_turns * 2) + 1) _space.load_data(data=data, offset_col=max_turns, offset_row=max_turns, offset_h=max_turns, offset_w=max_turns) return _space turns = 6 space: Space4D = generate_space_4d(data, turns) for i in range(turns): space = return space.count_activated() DATA = parse_data() print(solve_p1(DATA)) print(solve_p2(DATA))