
109 lines
3.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Day24 (parse, solveA, solveB) where
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, bimap)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec, errorBundlePretty, runParser, eof, many)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, space)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer (signed, decimal)
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (R, linearSolve, flatten, toList, fromLists, col)
import Misc (paired)
type R3 = (R, R, R)
type Ray = (R3, R3)
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
parse :: Text -> Either String [Ray]
parse = first errorBundlePretty . runParser rays ""
r :: Parser R
r = signed space decimal
r3 :: Parser R3
r3 = do
a <- r <* char ',' <* space
b <- r <* char ',' <* space
c <- r
return (a, b, c)
ray :: Parser (R3, R3)
ray = do
t1 <- r3 <* space
char '@' *> space
t2 <- r3 <* space
return (t1, t2)
rays :: Parser [Ray]
rays = many ray <* eof
intersect2D :: Ray -> Ray -> Maybe ([R], (R, R))
intersect2D r1 r2 =
let ((sx1, sy1, _), (vx1, vy1, _)) = r1
((sx2, sy2, _), (vx2, vy2, _)) = r2
coeffs = fromLists
[ [vx2, -vx1]
, [vy2, -vy1]
rhs = col
[ sx1 - sx2
, sy1 - sy2
times = toList . flatten <$> linearSolve coeffs rhs
in case times of
Just ts@(tb:_) -> Just (ts, toPoint tb r2)
_otherwise -> Nothing
toPoint :: R -> Ray -> (R, R)
toPoint t ((sx, sy, _), (vx, vy, _)) = (sx + t * vx, sy + t * vy)
solveAFor :: R -> R -> [Ray] -> Int
solveAFor s e = length . filter isBoth . mapMaybe (uncurry intersect2D) . paired
isFuture :: [R] -> Bool
isFuture = all (0<=)
isWithin :: (R, R) -> Bool
isWithin (x, y) = s <= x && x <= e && s <= y && y <= e
isBoth :: ([R], (R, R)) -> Bool
isBoth = uncurry (&&) . bimap isFuture isWithin
solveA :: [Ray] -> Int
solveA = solveAFor 200000000000000 400000000000000
findThrow :: (Ray, Ray, Ray) -> Maybe [Int]
findThrow (r1, r2, r3) =
((sx1, sy1, sz1), (vx1, vy1, vz1)) = r1
((sx2, sy2, sz2), (vx2, vy2, vz2)) = r2
((sx3, sy3, sz3), (vx3, vy3, vz3)) = r3
coeffs = fromLists
[ [0, vz2 - vz1, vy1 - vy2, 0, sz1 - sz2, sy2 - sy1]
, [0, vz3 - vz1, vy1 - vy3, 0, sz1 - sz3, sy3 - sy1]
, [vz1 - vz2, 0, vx2 - vx1, sz2 - sz1, 0, sx1 - sx2]
, [vz1 - vz3, 0, vx3 - vx1, sz3 - sz1, 0, sx1 - sx3]
, [vy2 - vy1, vx1 - vx2, 0, sy1 - sy2, sx2 - sx1, 0]
, [vy3 - vy1, vx1 - vx3, 0, sy1 - sy3, sx3 - sx1, 0]
rhs = col
[ vy1 * sz1 - sy1 * vz1 + sy2 * vz2 - vy2 * sz2
, vy1 * sz1 - sy1 * vz1 + sy3 * vz3 - vy3 * sz3
, sx1 * vz1 - vx1 * sz1 + vx2 * sz2 - sx2 * vz2
, sx1 * vz1 - vx1 * sz1 + vx3 * sz3 - sx3 * vz3
, vx1 * sy1 - sx1 * vy1 + sx2 * vy2 - vx2 * sy2
, vx1 * sy1 - sx1 * vy1 + sx3 * vy3 - vx3 * sy3
in map round . toList . flatten <$> linearSolve coeffs rhs
solveB :: [Ray] -> Int
solveB = maybe 0 (sum . take 3) . findThrow'
bundle :: [Ray] -> Maybe (Ray, Ray, Ray)
bundle rays = case rays of
r1:r2:r3:_ -> Just (r1, r2, r3)
_otherwise -> Nothing
findThrow' :: [Ray] -> Maybe [Int]
findThrow' = findThrow <=< bundle