
138 lines
3.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Day10 where
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, bimap)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec, errorBundlePretty, runParser, many, eof, satisfy)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (newline)
import Misc (withCoords, pairs)
data Pipe
= E -- empty
| S -- start
| I -- vertical
| H -- horizontal
| J -- up-left
| L -- up-right
| T -- down-left
| F -- down-right
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Dir = DirL | DirR | DirU | DirD
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Row = Int
type Col = Int
type Move = (Dir, (Row, Col))
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
parse :: Text -> Either String [[Pipe]]
parse = first errorBundlePretty . runParser grid ""
pipe :: Char -> Pipe
pipe c = case c of
'.' -> E
'S' -> S
'|' -> I
'-' -> H
'J' -> J
'L' -> L
'7' -> T
'F' -> F
bad -> error $ "Invalid character: " <> [bad]
row :: Parser [Pipe]
row = map pipe <$> many (satisfy $ not . isSpace) <* newline
grid :: Parser [[Pipe]]
grid = many row <* eof
findStart :: [[Pipe]] -> (Row, Col)
findStart = fst . head . filter ((S ==) . snd) . withCoords
get :: (Row, Col) -> [[Pipe]] -> Pipe
get (r, c) = snd . head . filter ((c ==) . fst) . zip [0..] . snd . head . filter ((r ==) . fst) . zip [0..]
nextD :: Dir -> Pipe -> Maybe Dir
nextD dir pipe = case (pipe, dir) of
(I, DirD) -> Just DirD
(I, DirU) -> Just DirU
(H, DirR) -> Just DirR
(H, DirL) -> Just DirL
(J, DirD) -> Just DirL
(J, DirR) -> Just DirU
(L, DirD) -> Just DirR
(L, DirL) -> Just DirU
(T, DirU) -> Just DirL
(T, DirR) -> Just DirD
(F, DirU) -> Just DirR
(F, DirL) -> Just DirD
_ -> Nothing
nextC :: (Row, Col) -> Dir -> (Row, Col)
nextC (r, c) dir = case dir of
DirL -> (r, c - 1)
DirR -> (r, c + 1)
DirU -> (r - 1, c)
DirD -> (r + 1, c)
starts :: [[Pipe]] -> (Move, Move)
starts = do
sp <- findStart
ds <- checkDirs sp
return (head ds, head $ tail ds)
check :: Dir -> (Row, Col) -> [[Pipe]] -> Maybe Move
check dir rc = fmap (const (dir, rc)) . nextD dir . get rc
checkDirs :: (Row, Col) -> [[Pipe]] -> [Move]
checkDirs sp = do
u <- check DirU $ nextC sp DirU
d <- check DirD $ nextC sp DirD
l <- check DirL $ nextC sp DirL
r <- check DirR $ nextC sp DirR
return $ catMaybes [u, d, l, r]
go :: [[Pipe]] -> (Dir, (Row, Col)) -> [(Dir, (Row, Col))]
go grid = helper
helper :: (Dir, (Row, Col)) -> [(Dir, (Row, Col))]
helper (dir, rc) = (dir, rc) : case nextD dir $ get rc grid of
Just dir' -> helper (dir', nextC rc dir')
Nothing -> []
solveA :: [[Pipe]] -> Int
solveA grid = (1 +) . length . takeWhile (not . isMatch) . uncurry zip . join bimap (go grid) $ starts grid
isMatch :: (Move, Move) -> Bool
isMatch (l, r) = snd l == snd r
verts :: [[Pipe]] -> ((Row, Col), [(Row, Col)])
verts grid = (findStart grid, findVerts grid)
isVertex :: (Move, Move) -> Maybe (Row, Col)
isVertex ((dir, rc), (dir', _)) = if dir /= dir' then Just rc else Nothing
findVerts :: [[Pipe]] -> [(Row, Col)]
findVerts = mapMaybe isVertex . pairs . go grid . fst . starts
-- A = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) + (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) + ...) / 2
trapezoid :: ((Row, Col), [(Row, Col)]) -> Double
trapezoid (sp, vs) = (/2) . fromIntegral . sum . map inner . pairs $ [sp] <> vs <> [sp]
inner :: ((Row, Col), (Row, Col)) -> Int
inner ((r1, c1), (r2, c2)) = r1 * c2 - r2 * c1
-- A = i + b/2 - 1
-- i = A - b/2 + 1
interior :: ((Row, Col), [(Row, Col)]) -> Int -> Double
interior vs path = abs $ trapezoid vs - fromIntegral path + 1
solveB :: [[Pipe]] -> Double
solveB grid = interior (verts grid) (solveA grid)