2023-12-03 20:02:28 +01:00

103 lines
3.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Day03 (parse, solveA, solveB) where
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Char (digitToInt, isSpace)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Text.Megaparsec (errorBundlePretty, Parsec, runParser, many, eof, choice, satisfy, manyTill)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (digitChar, char)
data Item
= Digit Int
| Symbol Char
| Empty
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Grid = [[Item]]
type Row = Int
type Col = Int
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
parse :: Text -> Either String Grid
parse = first errorBundlePretty . runParser full ""
item :: Parser Item
item = choice
[ Digit . digitToInt <$> digitChar
, Empty <$ char '.'
, Symbol <$> satisfy (not . isSpace)
line :: Parser [Item]
line = item `manyTill` satisfy isSpace
full :: Parser [[Item]]
full = many line <* eof
findSpans :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
findSpans = helper []
helper :: [[a]] -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
helper acc _ [] = reverse . map reverse $ acc
helper [] p (x:xs) = helper [[x]] p xs
helper acc@(a:as) p (x:xs) =
if p (head a) x
then helper ((x:a):as) p xs
else helper ([x]:acc) p xs
withCoords :: [[a]] -> [((Row, Col), a)]
withCoords grid = [((r, c), a) | (r, row) <- zip [0..] grid, (c, a) <- zip [0..] row]
getSymbols :: Grid -> [(Char, (Row, Col))]
getSymbols = mapMaybe isSymbol . withCoords
isSymbol :: ((Row, Col), Item) -> Maybe (Char, (Row, Col))
isSymbol (rc, item) = case item of
Symbol s -> Just (s, rc)
_ -> Nothing
getNumbers :: Grid -> [(Int, (Row, Col, Col))]
getNumbers = concat . zipWith processRow [0..]
getDigit :: (Col, Item) -> Maybe (Col, Int)
getDigit (i, item) = case item of
Digit d -> Just (i, d)
_ -> Nothing
isNext :: (Col, Int) -> (Col, Int) -> Bool
isNext a b = fst a + 1 == fst b
merge :: Row -> [(Col, Int)] -> (Int, (Row, Col, Col))
merge r items =
let n = foldl (\acc (_, d) -> 10 * acc + d) 0 items
s = minimum $ map fst items
e = maximum $ map fst items
in (n, (r, s, e))
processRow :: Row -> [Item] -> [(Int, (Row, Col, Col))]
processRow r = map (merge r) . findSpans isNext . mapMaybe getDigit . zip [0..]
getNeigbors :: (Row, Col, Col) -> [(Row, Col)]
getNeigbors (r, s, e) = [(r, s-1), (r, e+1)]
<> [(r-1, c) | c <- [s-1..e+1]]
<> [(r+1, c) | c <- [s-1..e+1]]
solveA :: Grid -> Int
solveA grid =
let symbols = map snd $ getSymbols grid
numbers = getNumbers grid
in sum . map fst . filter (hasSymbol symbols . getNeigbors . snd) $ numbers
hasSymbol :: [(Row, Col)] -> [(Row, Col)] -> Bool
hasSymbol symbols = any (`elem` symbols)
solveB :: Grid -> Int
solveB grid =
let symbols = map snd . filter (('*'==) . fst) $ getSymbols grid
numbers = map (second getNeigbors) $ getNumbers grid
in sum . map product . filter ((2==) . length) . map (findNumbers numbers) $ symbols
findNumbers :: [(Int, [(Row, Col)])] -> (Row, Col) -> [Int]
findNumbers ns symbol = map fst . filter ((symbol `elem`) . snd) $ ns