Maciej Jur e822939d3a .
2021-12-11 11:52:03 +01:00

53 lines
1.6 KiB

from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
def load() -> np.ndarray:
with open("../.input/day09") as f:
lines = list(map(str.strip, f.readlines()))
return np.array([int(num) for line in lines for num in line]).reshape((len(lines), -1))
def windows(target, shape=(3, 3), stride: int = 1):
target = np.pad(target, 1, 'constant', constant_values=9)
(t_h, t_w), (w_h, w_w) = target.shape, shape
out_shape = (1 + (t_h - w_h) // stride, 1 + (t_w - w_w) // stride, w_h, w_w)
out_strides = (target.strides[0] * stride, target.strides[1] * stride, target.strides[0], target.strides[1])
return as_strided(target, shape=out_shape, strides=out_strides)
def solve1() -> int:
hmap = load()
return np.sum((hmap + 1) * (hmap == windows(hmap).min(axis=(2, 3))))
def find_basin(areas, visited, x, y) -> int:
if visited[x, y]:
return 0
visited[x, y] = True
area = 1
for dx, dy in [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)]:
if (
0 <= dx < areas.shape[0] and
0 <= dy < areas.shape[1] and
areas[dx, dy]
area += find_basin(areas, visited, dx, dy)
return area
def solve2() -> int:
hmap = load()
areas = hmap != 9
starts = np.argwhere(hmap == windows(hmap).min(axis=(2, 3)))
visited = np.zeros(hmap.shape, dtype=np.bool8)
basins = [find_basin(areas, visited, *start) for start in starts]
return reduce(lambda acc, num: acc * num, sorted(basins, reverse=True)[:3], 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(solve1()) # 522
print(solve2()) # 916688