content: dead-simple-haskell

This commit is contained in:
Maciej Jur 2024-02-05 22:21:39 +01:00
parent 92efb28cc5
commit 386b0df479
Signed by: kamov
2 changed files with 344 additions and 34 deletions

View file

@ -444,6 +444,88 @@ Crazy Void ()
Σ = 0 + 1 + 0 × 1 + 1 = 2
How do lists fit into this?
How do lists fit into this?
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
-- [1, 2, 3] or 1 : 2 : 3 []
list1 = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))
-- []
list2 = Nil
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * x)
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (...)))
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * x)
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (...)))
x = 1 + a + a² + a³ + a⁴ + a⁵ + ...
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * x)
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (...)))
x = 1 + a + a² + a³ + a⁴ + a⁵ + ...
```haskell ignore
data List a = () | (a) | (a, a) | (a, a, a) | ...
@ -598,6 +680,11 @@ data Box a
data Cat = Cat String deriving Show
data Dog = Dog String deriving Show
@ -618,7 +705,8 @@ class Mappable box where
instance Mappable Box where
map' _ Empty = Empty
map' f (Has a) = Has (f a)
instance Mappable [] where
map' _ [] = []
map' f xs = [f x | x <- xs]
@ -634,6 +722,48 @@ instance Mappable [] where
![Cat list](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-list.png)
![Cat list](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-list.png)
```haskell ignore
λ> a = Has $ Cat "cat"
λ> :type a
a :: Box Cat
λ> :type map' toDog a
map' toDog a :: Box Dog
λ> :type map toDog [Cat "a", Cat "b"]
map toDog [Cat "a", Cat "b"] :: [Dog]
toDog :: Cat -> Dog
toDog (Cat name) = Dog name
convertAllCats :: Mappable box => box Cat -> box Dog
convertAllCats cs = map' toDog cs
Any "box" can go in 👍
```haskell ignore
convertAllCats :: Mappable box => box Cat -> box Dog
convertAllCats cs = map' toDog cs
```haskell ignore
λ> convertAllCats [Cat "a", Cat "b"]
[Dog "a",Dog "b"]
λ> convertAllCats $ Has $ Cat "a"
Has (Dog "a")
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-merge.png)
@ -643,9 +773,6 @@ instance Mappable [] where
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-merge.png)
data Cat = Cat String deriving Show
data Dog = Dog String deriving Show
merge :: Cat -> Cat -> Dog
merge (Cat c1) (Cat c2) = Dog $ c1 <> " & " <> c2
@ -662,6 +789,8 @@ catB = Cat "Nyaa"
Dog "Meow & Nyaa"
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge.png)
@ -670,6 +799,8 @@ boxB = Has $ Cat "Nyaa" :: Box Cat
empty = Empty :: Box Cat
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-box.png)
```haskell ignore
@ -678,6 +809,8 @@ boxB = Has $ Cat "Nyaa" :: Box Cat
empty = Empty :: Box Cat
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-box.png)
```haskell ignore
λ> merge boxA catB
@ -696,6 +829,8 @@ boxB = Has $ Cat "Nyaa" :: Box Cat
empty = Empty :: Box Cat
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-prim.png)
merge' :: Box Cat -> Box Cat -> Box Dog
merge' Empty _ = Empty
@ -712,6 +847,8 @@ merge' _ Empty = Empty
merge' (Has c1) (Has c2) = merge c1 c2
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-prim.png)
```haskell ignore
λ> merge' boxA boxB
Has (Dog "Meow & Nyaa")
@ -729,6 +866,8 @@ class Appliable box where
apply' :: box (a -> b) -> box a -> box b
![Wrap apply](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/wrap-apply.png)
```haskell ignore
@ -831,8 +970,12 @@ Has (Dog "Meow & Nyaa")
![Wrap apply](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/wrap-apply.png)
![Wrap apply](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/wrap-apply.png)
merge4 :: Cat -> Cat -> Cat -> Cat -> Dog
merge4 (Cat a) (Cat b) (Cat c) (Cat d) = Dog $ a <> b <> c <> d
@ -848,11 +991,10 @@ Empty
kill :: Cat -> Box Cat
kill _ = Empty
save :: Cat -> Box Cat
save c = Has c
killOrSave :: Cat -> Box Cat
killOrSave cat@(Cat name) = case name of
"Meow" -> Empty
_ -> Has cat
<small>(no animals were harmed in the making of this slideshow)</small>
@ -860,11 +1002,10 @@ save c = Has c
```haskell ignore
kill :: Cat -> Box Cat
kill _ = Empty
save :: Cat -> Box Cat
save c = Has c
killOrSave :: Cat -> Box Cat
killOrSave cat@(Cat name) = case name of
"Meow" -> Empty
_ -> Has cat
@ -874,10 +1015,12 @@ save c = Has c
```haskell ignore
λ> wrap kill `apply'` boxA
λ> wrap killOrSave `apply'` Has (Cat "Meow")
Has Empty
λ> wrap save `apply'` boxA
Has (Has (Cat "Meow"))
λ> wrap killOrSave `apply'` Has (Cat "Nyaa")
Has (Has (Cat "Nyaa"))
λ> wrap killOrSave `apply'` Empty
@ -922,6 +1065,18 @@ instance Chainable [] where
kill :: Cat -> Box Cat
kill _ = Empty
save :: Cat -> Box Cat
save = Has
```haskell ignore
λ> boxA `chain` save `chain` save `chain` save
Has (Cat "Meow")

View file

@ -444,6 +444,88 @@ Crazy Void ()
Σ = 0 + 1 + 0 × 1 + 1 = 2
How do lists fit into this?
How do lists fit into this?
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
-- [1, 2, 3] or 1 : 2 : 3 []
list1 = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))
-- []
list2 = Nil
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * x)
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (...)))
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * x)
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (...)))
x = 1 + a + a² + a³ + a⁴ + a⁵ + ...
```haskell ignore
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
x = 1 + a * x
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * x)
x = 1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + a * (...)))
x = 1 + a + a² + a³ + a⁴ + a⁵ + ...
```haskell ignore
data List a = () | (a) | (a, a) | (a, a, a) | ...
@ -598,6 +680,11 @@ data Box a
data Cat = Cat String deriving Show
data Dog = Dog String deriving Show
@ -618,7 +705,8 @@ class Mappable box where
instance Mappable Box where
map' _ Empty = Empty
map' f (Has a) = Has (f a)
instance Mappable [] where
map' _ [] = []
map' f xs = [f x | x <- xs]
@ -634,6 +722,48 @@ instance Mappable [] where
![Cat list](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-list.png)
![Cat list](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-list.png)
```haskell ignore
λ> a = Has $ Cat "cat"
λ> :type a
a :: Box Cat
λ> :type map' toDog a
map' toDog a :: Box Dog
λ> :type map toDog [Cat "a", Cat "b"]
map toDog [Cat "a", Cat "b"] :: [Dog]
toDog :: Cat -> Dog
toDog (Cat name) = Dog name
convertAllCats :: Mappable box => box Cat -> box Dog
convertAllCats cs = map' toDog cs
Any "box" can go in 👍
```haskell ignore
convertAllCats :: Mappable box => box Cat -> box Dog
convertAllCats cs = map' toDog cs
```haskell ignore
λ> convertAllCats [Cat "a", Cat "b"]
[Dog "a",Dog "b"]
λ> convertAllCats $ Has $ Cat "a"
Has (Dog "a")
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-merge.png)
@ -643,9 +773,6 @@ instance Mappable [] where
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/cat-merge.png)
data Cat = Cat String deriving Show
data Dog = Dog String deriving Show
merge :: Cat -> Cat -> Dog
merge (Cat c1) (Cat c2) = Dog $ c1 <> " & " <> c2
@ -662,6 +789,8 @@ catB = Cat "Nyaa"
Dog "Meow & Nyaa"
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge.png)
@ -670,6 +799,8 @@ boxB = Has $ Cat "Nyaa" :: Box Cat
empty = Empty :: Box Cat
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-box.png)
```haskell ignore
@ -678,6 +809,8 @@ boxB = Has $ Cat "Nyaa" :: Box Cat
empty = Empty :: Box Cat
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-box.png)
```haskell ignore
λ> merge boxA catB
@ -696,6 +829,8 @@ boxB = Has $ Cat "Nyaa" :: Box Cat
empty = Empty :: Box Cat
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-prim.png)
merge' :: Box Cat -> Box Cat -> Box Dog
merge' Empty _ = Empty
@ -712,6 +847,8 @@ merge' _ Empty = Empty
merge' (Has c1) (Has c2) = merge c1 c2
![Cat merge](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/merge-prim.png)
```haskell ignore
λ> merge' boxA boxB
Has (Dog "Meow & Nyaa")
@ -729,6 +866,8 @@ class Appliable box where
apply' :: box (a -> b) -> box a -> box b
![Wrap apply](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/wrap-apply.png)
```haskell ignore
@ -831,8 +970,12 @@ Has (Dog "Meow & Nyaa")
![Wrap apply](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/wrap-apply.png)
![Wrap apply](/static/content/slides/haskell-molecules/wrap-apply.png)
merge4 :: Cat -> Cat -> Cat -> Cat -> Dog
merge4 (Cat a) (Cat b) (Cat c) (Cat d) = Dog $ a <> b <> c <> d
@ -848,11 +991,10 @@ Empty
kill :: Cat -> Box Cat
kill _ = Empty
save :: Cat -> Box Cat
save c = Has c
killOrSave :: Cat -> Box Cat
killOrSave cat@(Cat name) = case name of
"Meow" -> Empty
_ -> Has cat
<small>(no animals were harmed in the making of this slideshow)</small>
@ -860,11 +1002,10 @@ save c = Has c
```haskell ignore
kill :: Cat -> Box Cat
kill _ = Empty
save :: Cat -> Box Cat
save c = Has c
killOrSave :: Cat -> Box Cat
killOrSave cat@(Cat name) = case name of
"Meow" -> Empty
_ -> Has cat
@ -874,10 +1015,12 @@ save c = Has c
```haskell ignore
λ> wrap kill `apply'` boxA
λ> wrap killOrSave `apply'` Has (Cat "Meow")
Has Empty
λ> wrap save `apply'` boxA
Has (Has (Cat "Meow"))
λ> wrap killOrSave `apply'` Has (Cat "Nyaa")
Has (Has (Cat "Nyaa"))
λ> wrap killOrSave `apply'` Empty
@ -922,6 +1065,18 @@ instance Chainable [] where
kill :: Cat -> Box Cat
kill _ = Empty
save :: Cat -> Box Cat
save = Has
```haskell ignore
λ> boxA `chain` save `chain` save `chain` save
Has (Cat "Meow")