content: building-an-ssg-in-rust

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Maciej Jur 2024-10-06 22:11:58 +02:00
parent 91fc5ebdc0
commit 7216068e5c
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7 changed files with 246 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
title: Home
# Welcome to my website! :heart:
You have found this little floating rock in the middle of the Internet! Congrats 🎉
@ -15,6 +19,7 @@ Throughout the last few years I've been taking photos of random things in random
[Take me to the map!](/map/)
## A short guide to the Hanafuda card game
I've been playing Hanafuda for a while now, so I decided to write a short introduction into this interesting card game. I am by no means good at the game, so take everything with a grain of salt, but I feel like it should be enough to get you started.
[Take me to the guide!](/posts/hanafuda/)

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
author = {Mokhov, Andrey and Mitchell, Neil and Peyton Jones, Simon},
title = {Build systems \`{a} la carte},
year = {2018},
issue_date = {September 2018},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {2},
number = {ICFP},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3236774},
journal = {Proc. ACM Program. Lang.},
month = jul,
articleno = {79},
numpages = {29},
keywords = {algorithms, build systems, functional programming}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
title: Building an SSG in Rust
date: 2024-10-05T12:29:54.111Z
desc: >
Some reflections on using Rust to write a static site generator...
For the past few months in my spare time, Ive been programming a simple
library in Rust that can be used to generate a static website from markdown
files and images. I myself use it to generate this very website, and it is
available under the GPL license on
[](, though it might be outdated -
the latest version is always on [GitHub](
and the documentation is available on
You can add it to your own project in two ways, like so:
hauchiwa = "*"
hauchiwa = { git = "" }
## Background
Throughout the years I've tried many different tools, some of them better than
others.  For example, I really liked the speed of Hugo and the flexibility of
Astro, but none of the available tools fulfilled my needs. I wanted both speed
and lots of flexibility at the same time, I figured that I needed to create my own
generator from scratch to accomplish what I want to do.
The first thing I had to do was choose the language and the ecosystem for the
generator, and as you already know, I ended up with Rust. I've considered
different languages and ecosystems - like Haskell - but Rust currently has a lot
of industrial momentum, that's the current zeitgeist.
Contrary to what many people say, Rust is not a silver bullet, the fact that in
Rust you have to deal with memory, even if it's automatic most of the time can
be a deal breaker. Sometimes you just don't need to care about memory, so having
To deal with it is a waste of mental energy. Nevertheless, I decided that this
tradeoff is worth taking in this case, given that Rust has:
- lots of good enough libraries
- vibrant community
- ergonomic abstractions
- automatic memory management with borrow checker
So given these facts, I came to the conclusion that going with Rust will make it
easy to find any library I need to create a generator, and the memory management
is an acceptable tradeoff for the fact that Rust programs are generally quite
fast and compile to a single binary.
When it comes to the actual form factor of the library, I wanted it to be really
minimal and allow for maximal flexibility. I really enjoyed the way Astro works,
you use it as a general framework, you have lots of freedom to define each page
on the generated website. I would like to preserve this spirit in my library,
while at the same time creating a robust and idiomatic API in Rust.
Some of the requirements I had in mind are:
- The library should be decoupled from any templating engine, the user should
be able to choose their own way to generate the HTML, they should even be able
to do it by concatenating strings manually if they so desire.
- The user shouldn't be limited to Markdown, the library should be format
agnostic and the user should be allowed to bring any parser they want and use
it to convert any kind of file to HTML.
- The user should be able to generate HTML pages that don't have any original
source files related to them, think of dynamically generated lists of pages,
tags, etc.
- There should be a way to render different pages differently, some collections
of Markdown files should output different looking pages.
- The library should make it easy to watch for changes and allow the user to add
live reload while editing their website.
In my library I've tried to address all of these requirements, but it's still
being worked out. I've spent a lot of time thinking through lots of design
decisions until I landed on some sweet spot in the design space, but even now,
I'm not sure if there are better ways to accomplish some things...
## Incremental build system
To implement the incremental build process and live reload, I've ended up reading
an article called _Build systems à la carte_, which goes over different ways to
implent a build system in Haskell, I would recommend reading it; it was really
useful. Based on some prior experience as well as this article, I've decided to
go with a _suspending_ scheduler, as well as both _verifying traces_ and
_constructive traces_ for the rebuilding strategy.
_Suspending_ means that the moment a certain page requires, for example, a PNG
image or a CSS stylesheet I pause the page build process in order to prepare the
required asset. In practice, this just means I call a function that is supposed
to build that image, so it's not anything difficult.
/// Get compiled CSS style by file path.
pub fn get_styles(&self, path: &Utf8Path) -> Option<Utf8PathBuf> {
let input = self.items.values().find(|item| item.file == path)?;
if !matches!(, Input::Stylesheet(..)) {
return None;
.insert(input.file.clone(), input.hash.clone());
This function calls another function `schedule`, which builds the asset if it
needs to be built.
fn schedule(&self, input: &InputItem) -> Option<Utf8PathBuf> {
let res =;
if res.is_some() {
return res;
let res = self.builder.write().unwrap().build(input);
Here `self.builder` is behind an `RwLock` which needs to be acquired in order to
build the asset. This is just an implementation detail; `RwLock` allows the
builder to be shared in a multithreaded environment and allows many reads at
the same time. This is optimal for the case when the asset is in fact already
When it comes to the traces, I've decided to use the following strategy to trace
input assets:
pub(crate) struct InputItem {
pub(crate) hash: Vec<u8>,
pub(crate) file: Utf8PathBuf,
pub(crate) slug: Utf8PathBuf,
pub(crate) data: Input,
Each asset has a binary `hash` and with this information alone we can easily
check if the input asset has changed in a meaningful way between two builds.
In order to trace the individual build tasks that are defined by the user to
generate the HTML pages, I've decided to use the following struct:
struct Trace<G: Send + Sync> {
task: Task<G>,
init: bool,
deps: HashMap<Utf8PathBuf, Vec<u8>>,
Here we have `task` which is in fact a closure pointer - a pointer to a function
defined by the user of the library. This function consumes a `Sack` which is the access point ftracks
the dependencies required by the task.
/// Task function pointer used to dynamically generate a website page.
type TaskFnPtr<G> = Arc<dyn Fn(Sack<G>) -> Vec<(Utf8PathBuf, String)> + Send + Sync>;
/// Wraps `TaskFnPtr` and implements `Debug` trait for function pointer.
pub(crate) struct Task<G: Send + Sync>(TaskFnPtr<G>);
These dependencies are then kept as the `deps` field, so we can check if any of
the input files required by a certain task have changed. If they have, we can
rebuild the task and update the dependencies. There's also the `init` field
which just forces the task to be built for the first time.
This is just the bare minimum to make this build system work, there are still
some open questions, like "What if the build task is nondeterministic, should it
be rebuilt every time?". Please take a look at the library code to see how the
current build system works in detail.

View file

@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ add d a b = (+) d a b
Effectively, `Num a` serves as a table of operations for the `Num` class for type `a`.
This elegant mechanism allows Haskell to implement polymorphism with type classes while maintaining strict type safety.
## Kinds
A type in Haskell is a classification that defines what kind of data a value can represent.
@ -116,11 +115,13 @@ The notation for kinds in Haskell uses an asterisk `*` to represent the most bas
You can check the kind of any type by using the `:kind` command in GHCi.
The kind of `Int` is `*`, indicating that `Int` is a concrete type.
Int :: *
Similarly, the kind of `Float` is `*`, signifying that it is also a concrete type.
Float :: *
@ -130,14 +131,17 @@ For instance, type classes introduce a kind called `Constraint`, denoted as `=>`
The kind Constraint is used to represent constraints on types and is commonly encountered when defining type classes and their instances.
The kind of `Num` is `* -> Constraint`, showing that `Num` is a type class that takes a type (like `Int`) as an argument.
Num :: * -> Constraint
When `Num` is applied to `Int`, it becomes a constraint on the `Int` type, indicating that `Int` is an instance of the `Num` type class.
Num Int :: Constraint
Another example of a kind in Haskell is the kind of unary type constructors `* -> *`.
These unary type constructors are similar to generic types in other languages because they accept a type parameter and produce a new type.
The signature `* -> *` signifies that the type constructor transforms one concrete type into another concrete type.
@ -179,7 +183,6 @@ In this definition, `Either` is a binary type constructor because it requires tw
The `Either` type is often used for scenarios where a value can have one of two possible types, such as representing success or failure or providing an alternative to error handling.
Conventionally, the `Left` value indicates error conditions, while the `Right` value signifies valid or correct values.
### Higher Kinded Types
In Haskell, understanding the concept of "Higher Kinded Types" is crucial for grasping how certain more abstract type classes work.
@ -231,7 +234,6 @@ instance Functor (Either a) where
In the instance declaration above, we specify that, for any type `a`, `Either a` is an instance of the `Functor` type class.
This allows you to use the `fmap` function with `Either a`, providing a way to map over the second type argument of the `Either` type while keeping the first type argument fixed.
## Other languages
### Scala

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use chrono::{DateTime, Datelike, Utc};
use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum};
use hauchiwa::{Collection, Sack, Website};
use hypertext::Renderable;
use model::{Post, Slideshow, Wiki};
use model::{Home, Post, Slideshow, Wiki};
#[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)]
struct Args {
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ fn main() {
let website = Website::setup()
Collection::glob_with::<Home>("content", "", ["md"].into()),
Collection::glob_with::<Post>("content", "", ["md"].into()),
Collection::glob_with::<Post>("content", "posts/**/*", ["md", "mdx"].into()),
Collection::glob_with::<Slideshow>("content", "slides/**/*", ["md", "lhs"].into()),
@ -87,6 +88,13 @@ fn main() {
("editor", "./js/flox/main.ts"),
("lambda", "./js/flox/lambda.ts"),
// Task: generate home page
.add_task(|sack| {
let query = sack.get_content::<Home>("").unwrap();
let (parsed, _, _) = text::md::parse(query.content, &sack, query.area, None);
let out_buff = html::home(&sack, &parsed);
vec![("index.html".into(), out_buff)]
.add_task(|sack| {
let query = sack.get_content::<Post>("about").unwrap();
let (parsed, outline, bib) =
@ -147,12 +155,6 @@ fn main() {
// Task: generate search
.add_task(|sack| vec![("search/index.html".into(), crate::html::search(&sack))])
// Task: generate home page
.add_task(|sack| {
let data = std::fs::read_to_string("content/").unwrap();
let (parsed, _, _) = text::md::parse(&data, &sack, "".into(), None);
vec![("index.html".into(), crate::html::home(&sack, &parsed))]
.add_task(|sack| {
let query = sack.get_content("projects/flox").unwrap();

View file

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use serde::Deserialize;
/// Represents a wiki page
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Home {
pub title: String,
/// Represents a simple post.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Post {

View file

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
// Config
@use 'root';
@use 'reset';
@use 'fonts';
@use 'base';
@use 'markdown';
@use 'kanagawa';
@use "root";
@use "reset";
@use "fonts";
@use "base";
@use "markdown";
@use "kanagawa";
// Components
@use 'components/map';
@use 'components/search';
@use 'components/link-tree';
@use 'components/bibliography';
@use 'components/kanji';
@use "components/map";
@use "components/search";
@use "components/link-tree";
@use "components/bibliography";
@use "components/kanji";
// Partials
@use 'partials/navbar';
@use 'partials/footer';
@use "partials/navbar";
@use "partials/footer";
// Shortcodes
@use 'shortcodes/timeline';
@use 'shortcodes/marginnote';
@use "shortcodes/timeline";
@use "shortcodes/marginnote";
// Layouts
@use 'layouts/home';
@use 'layouts/page';
@use 'layouts/list';
@use "layouts/home";
@use "layouts/page";
@use "layouts/list";
// Special
@use 'flox';
@use "flox";