const a = [ "Playtime's over, playtime's now", "永遠のオデッセイ", "0% code coverage", "Type Driven Development", "Free as in Freedom", "Transmitting since 2021", "Approaching the speed of light", "Your Ad Here", "Here be dragons", "Kam was here", "Ayayaya~", "Haskell is nice 😳", "Coding my life away", "Powered by neural networks", "Volle Kraft voraus!", "In a quantum superposition", "IPA: [ka̠mo̞ɕi]", "遥か彼方を巡り廻る", "Disunified Field Theory of Magic", "Sp³ hybridized", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "Beautifully Imperfect and Hazy", "Destination unknown", "Now on Google's 3rd page 🎉", "A product of boredom", "Rotating multiaxially in R⁵", "Scientifically unproven", "Lost in translation", "Implemented in prolog and YAML", "Computer-aided diary thing", "Integration under the moon", "Spinning in retrograde", "Steady as she goes", "Слава України!", "1 year anniversary", "Because Twitter is passé", "{{ navbar.subtitle.text }}", "You're looking at it!", "a2Ftb3NoaS5vcmc=", ":: (Thought a) => a -> String", ]; a.push(`${Math.round(1 / a.length * 10000)/100}% chance for this message`); const target = document.getElementById("p-nav-splash"); target && (target.innerText = a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)]);