--- title: "Advent of Code 2021 - Day 13" date: 2021-12-14T23:42:45+01:00 day: 13 stars: 2 --- ```python import re import numpy as np pattern_dots = re.compile(r"([0-9]+),([0-9]+)") pattern_folds = re.compile(r"fold along ([xy])=([0-9]+)") def load(): with open("../.input/day13") as f: dots, folds = f.read().split("\n\n") dots = [(int(x), int(y)) for x, y in pattern_dots.findall(dots)] matrix = np.zeros((1 + max(y for _, y in dots), 1 + max(x for x, _ in dots)), dtype=bool) for x, y in dots: matrix[y, x] = True return matrix, [(axis, int(offset)) for axis, offset in pattern_folds.findall(folds)] def fold(matrix: np.ndarray, axis, offset) -> np.ndarray: if axis == "x": result = matrix[:, :offset] right = np.fliplr(matrix[:, offset+1:]) if result.shape == right.shape: result |= right else: result[:, -right.shape[1]:] |= right else: result = matrix[:offset, :] bottom = np.flipud(matrix[offset+1:, :]) if result.shape == bottom.shape: result |= bottom else: result[-bottom.shape[0]:, :] |= bottom return result def solve1() -> int: dots, folds = load() return fold(dots, *folds[0]).sum() def solve2() -> None: dots, folds = load() for axis, offset in folds: dots = fold(dots, axis, offset) [print("".join(line)) for line in np.where(dots, "#", " ")] if __name__ == "__main__": print(solve1()) # 638 solve2() # CJCKEBAPB ```