2024-04-13 15:26:52 +02:00

787 B

Type Challenges


Implement the built-in Pick<T, K> generic without using it. Constructs a type by picking the set of properties K from T.

type MyPick<T, K extends keyof T> = {
  [key in K]: k extends keyof T ? T[key] : never;


Implement the built-in Readonly<T> generic without using it. Constructs a type with all properties of T set to readonly, meaning the properties of the constructed type cannot be reassigned.

type MyReadonly<T> = {
  readonly [key in keyof T]: T[key];

11・Tuple to Object

Given an array, transform it into an object type and the key/value must be in the provided array.

type TupleToObject<T extends readonly (string | number)[]> = {
  [val in T[number]]: val;